Thursday, 4 April 2013

All-Terrain Patients (Wheelchair)

First post!

Let me paint you guys a picture:
Long shift, worked nights yesterday and all day today.
Lots of traumas
Lots of mobiles and running around
Last case of the day: Wheelchair patient.

Wasn't feeling awesome, but I remembered from Jsquared's presentation about patients with extraordinary needs last week, and they went pretty in depth about how to manage patients in wheelchairs to make them feel welcome, at ease and involved.

JSquared, my inspiration and moral compass.
The most important thing I remembered was that I shouldn't assume their ability level, because some patients are more mobile than you and me and have active lifestyles that will put us to shame. So I made sure to ask them if they needed a hand getting on the table or whatnot and didn't just hop in there like a hero and start lifting them off the chair.

I remembered that their wheelchair is part of their bubble!

Can you think of anything else I could have done?

And as always, thank you for joining me on an adventure in health ethics.

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